Introduction: Based on the information from others countries in the world, unfortunately millions of the settlers on the earth are suffering from tuberculosis and this disease seems to be a main problem in the domain of chronic infectious diseases. Absence of the following programs by patients is one of the most important factors in the failure of abolition program.
Method: The study was performed on 200 tubercular patients who were selected through random sampling. The data were collected through questionnaire and personal interview and then, on the basis of their following up therapy, the patients were divided into two groups consisting of following up and the absence of following up programs.
Results: The obtained results showed that the variable of following up therapy had a significant statistical correlation with the variables of having difficulties to refer to clinics P<0.04, the period of diagnosis of disease P<0.008 and therapy period (P<0.03).Discussion: Among the main factors in the absence of therapy are long distances between homes and clinics, delay in the diagnosis of disease as well as the long therapy period.
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مقاله پژوهشی |
دریافت: 1387/8/21 | پذیرش: 1380/6/24 | انتشار: 1380/6/24