Volume 32, Issue 151 (March & April 2024)                   J Adv Med Biomed Res 2024, 32(151): 111-118 | Back to browse issues page

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Binesh S, Ghorbani R, Mansori K, Taheri R. The Relationship between Vitiligo and Hearing Loss: A Case-Control Study. J Adv Med Biomed Res 2024; 32 (151) :111-118
URL: http://journal.zums.ac.ir/article-1-7281-en.html
1- Semnan University of Medical Sciences , Sahar_b@gmail.com
2- Semnan University of Medical Sciences
3- Zanjan University of Medical Sciences
Abstract:   (330 Views)
Background & Objective:  Vitiligo as an acquired disorder is caused by the gradual loss of functional melanocytes. Aiming to assess whether vitiligo is associated with hearing loss.
 Materials & Methods:  A population based case-control study (case, n= 50; control, n=51). The case group included all vitiligo patients referred to public and private clinics in Semnan in March 2021 to October 2021. Then, for each case, one control was selected from the people who did not have any skin disease and had only visited the same center for cosmetic procedures. Audiometric tests including pure tone audiometry (PTA), speech discrimination score (SDS), speech reception threshold (SRT), acoustic reflex (AR) and tympanometry were performed for both case and control groups.
Results:  The mean of age (±SD) was 31.3 (8.5) and 33.5 (7.9) in two groups. The numbers (%) of women were 32 (64%) and 27 (52.9%); respectively. The result of AR test was normal in 80% of the patients and 92% of the control group; respectively. PTA test result was abnormal in 18 and 2% of cases and controls, respectively. SDS, SRT and Tympanometry Tests were normal in all people of the two groups under investigation. However, the odds of having an abnormal PTA test in vitiligo patients was 10.97 times that of healthy people (OR=10.97; 95% CI: 1.39 – 15.38) (P=0.007).
Conclusion:  A relationship was observed between vitiligo and hearing loss, so regular hearing checks are recommended in these patients.

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Type of Study: Original Article | Subject: Clinical medicine
Received: 2023/06/26 | Accepted: 2024/02/18 | Published: 2024/03/2

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