Volume 30, Issue 140 (May & June 2022)                   J Adv Med Biomed Res 2022, 30(140): 299-302 | Back to browse issues page

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Saremi H. Combined HAGL and Bankart Lesions in an Adolescent Athlete with Ligamentous Laxity and Recurrent Shoulder Dislocation. J Adv Med Biomed Res 2022; 30 (140) :299-302
URL: http://journal.zums.ac.ir/article-1-6419-en.html
Dept. of Orthopedics, Faculty of Medicine, Hamadan University of Medical Sciences, Hamadan, Iran , Hosseinsaremi.shoulder@gmail.com
Abstract:   (83841 Views)

This is a report of a 17-year-old wrestler who had suffered from a sport injury during an international competition that led to recurrent shoulder dislocation. Physical examination showed that he had a severe ligamentous laxity. In the magnetic resonance images there were combined humeral avulsion of the glenohumeral ligament (HAGL) and Bankart lesions. Combination of Bankart and HAGL lesions, severe ligamentous laxity, being adolescent and requiring a full recovery to resume wrestling professionally, made this case unique. Here we explain his imaging and arthroscopic findings, the technique used for arthroscopic repair, and his midterm follow-up results.

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 This is a report of a 17-year-old wrestler who had suffered from a sport injury during an international competition that led to recurrent shoulder dislocation. Physical examination showed that he had a severe ligamentous laxity.

Type of Study: Case report | Subject: Clinical medicine
Received: 2021/02/4 | Accepted: 2021/05/10 | Published: 2022/04/1

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