✅ The results of this meta-analysis demonstrate that intraoperative interventions, such as Peritoneal Suction Drainage, injection of Intraperitoneal Hydrocortisone with Bupivacaine, and warm and humidified insufflation carbon dioxide, can reduce the severity of SP in patients with LS. In addition, clinical trials with different interventions are needed to compare the efficacy and find effective interventions for SP management in patients with LS.
✅ The results of the present study showed that both duloxetine and high tone therapies are safe and effective methods for neuropathic pain relief.
✅ Spiral KT with 100% of available tension immediately improved the spatio-temporal indices of in-toeing gait pattern in children with spastic diplegic CP. Hence, clinicians can use the applied method to improve the gait pattern in this group of CP children.
✅ Based on the results, the factors such as age, tachycardia, and some CT-scan findings (SAH, ICH, and SDH), as well as high coagulation profile (INR, PTT) and low GCS on admission, were important variables to the prognosis of TBI patients. During hospitalization, high values of BUN, PR, Cr, FBS, PT, and INR and low values of GCS, RR, and PH were associated with a worthwhile outcome. In addition, high changes in BUN, GCS, RR, PR, and BP during hospitalization should be considered a worthwhile prognosis.
✅ The results of this study showed that the internal jugular collapsibility index does not correlate with the tidal volume in hypovolemic patients and after fluid therapy.
✅ It can be concluded that rs11061971 (+219 A>T) polymorphism is associated with T2D incidence. The findings suggest that AT and TT genotypes in this gene compared to AA genotype increase the risk of diabetes.
✅ Patients with COVID-19 disease had IL-10, IL-20, and MMP-7 levels that were noticeably higher than those found in healthy controls.
✅ Our findings demonstrated that no clear statistically significant difference was found between the two groups of control and vitamin C received groups; nonetheless for precise conclusion more studies with larger groups are required.
✅ Mn as a component of SOD enzyme is necessary for normal sperm functions. In contrast, high levels of Cd and Ni are toxic for human sperm and negatively correlated with TAC and sperm parameters.
✅ Variant genotypes of TNFRII (Rs1061622) and PADI4 (rs1748033), may be associated with an increased risk of RA while PADI4 (rs1748033) and miRNA-499a (rs3746444) polymorphism may be associated with non-response to infliximab.
✅ Ery extract, as a safe herbal extract, has anti-adipogenic activity and merits more investigation as a candidate for developing an anti-obesity drug or supplement.
✅ Based on pathology results, treatment with C. spinosa seed extract may be helpful in preventing cisplatin hepatotoxicity.
✅ The present study suggests that, in addition to cTnI, CK-MB, and MYO, many other mediators such as CRP, H-FABP, PCT, and cytokines are sensitive to the diagnosis of MI. Furthermore, using human monoclonal antibodies that selectively neutralize cytokines may provide additional insight into cytokines-targeted therapies.